Wednesday, August 5, 2020


"On what occasions in school did you see another student receive a paddling?   I did on at least three occasions:

1.  In the eighth grade, the math teacher decided to paddle a student (not me) over his desk in the classroom.  That was an interesting sight to see.   The student was very embarrassed, I'm sure.  Oh, also in shop class, the shop teacher (a young good looking guy) paddled "on the spot" and in front of anyone.
2. On at least three occasions, I was getting licks with other students, and we all were in the same room and were "supposed" to look the other way, but none of us did.   I often went last, but it didn't matter really.   Licks were licks even if the paddle was a bit hotter by that time.

3.  On a few occasions, I stumbled into a hallway paddling by simply walking somewhere when a student was taken out for swats.  I always felt like the teachers were mad I was in the hall at the time they were busy busting butt.  But they were too busy to say much and I was out for legitimate reasons.  If I was lucky, I was there before the paddling started and watched the kid bend over, grab his ankles and hold on while the licks happened.   

Did you see any licks happen?"

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